Social Media Technology

On the WorldWide Web

From the book Cluetrain Manifesto by authors Locke, Levine,Searls and Weinberger.

All of us are finding our voices again. Learning how to talk to one another. …Inside, outside, there’s a conversation going on today that wasn’t happening at all five years ago and hasn’t been very much in evidence since the Industrial Revolution began. Now spanning the planet via internet and the worldwide web, this conversation is so vast, so multifaceted, that trying to figure out what it is about is futile. It’s about a billion years of pent up hopes and fears and dreams coded in serpentine double helixes, the collective flashback déjà vu of our strange perplexing species. Something ancient, elemental, sacred, something very, very funny that’s broken loose in the pipes and wires of the 21st century.
……there are million of threads in this conversation but at the beginning and end of each is a human being….
This fervid desire for the Web bespeaks a longing so intense that it can only be understood as spiritual. A longing indicates something is missing in our lives. What is missing is the sound of human voice .The spiritual lure of the Web is the promise of the return of voice

By Feyikogbon

Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneur. Calgary Flames fan. Calgary Stampeders fan.
Supports conscious capitalism.Progressive conservative( supports sin taxes, low taxes and laissez-faire economy).

Former rap fan. Now listens to gospel and country.
Believes in volunteering and community service as agents of developmental change.

A lot of my time goes into community service, reading, encouraging people and most importantly God’s business. Loves culture , business start-ups and politics of both my home and adopted countries.

This is my blog. The opinions and thoughts in my article are mine and I make no mistakes for having them. You may also find articles, news or opinions of others that I agree with or love to keep.

More information about my professional background and interests available on my LinkedIn page.

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